Improvement of Instruction Lessons

This last week I had a graduate class, Improvement of Instruction through Doane "University." This class focuses on the 4MAT method which is the learning types and using whole brain instruction to teach to students.

Here is an example of the 4MAT process with regards to assessment:

In our class we had to make two lesson plans here are the two:

Subject: Math: Algebra 2
Grade Level: 10th and 11th
Concept: Character
Topic: Properties of Real Numbers
Length of Unit: 6 Days
Essential Question: How do you characterize properties of real numbers?

1R (Connect)
Objective: Students will connect to characteristics by completing the ‘Guess Who’ game.
Activity: Play ‘Guess Who’ with partners.  Then as a group play ‘Guess Who’ with the teacher.  Student’s will try to find the teacher’s character.  Each player starts the game with a worksheet that includes cartoon images of 24 people and their first names. Each player selects a character of their choice from the group containing the same 24 images. The object of the game is to be the first to determine which card one's opponent has selected.

1L (Attend)
Objective: Students will make meaning of characteristics by reflecting in their journal.
Activity: Students will journal how they found characteristics of the teacher’s character and/or their partner's character.  Students will also journal other characteristics of different characters in the “Guess Who” game. What made selecting different characteristics better than other characteristics?
Assessment: Teacher will check for understanding by analyzing the student’s journals.

2R (Image)
Objective: Students will see a relationship between numbers and having characteristics.
Activity: Students will be put into groups and given different numbers in an envelope.  Student’s will look at each number and put the number into a group.  They can put them in any type of group, but will have to defend their answer when talking about where they placed their number.
Assessment: Teacher will check will for student engagement through observation of student participation.

2L (Inform)
Objective: Students will acquire knowledge of properties of real numbers through lecture.
Activity: Lecture to students the difference between rational and irrational numbers.  Students will be able to classify numbers (such as: integers, whole numbers, natural numbers, irrational numbers, and rational numbers.) There will be a discussion on the differences and similarities of rational and irrational numbers.
Assessment: Teacher will check for understanding through analysis of student’s notes.

3L (Practice)
Objective: Students will show their understanding of real numbers by completing card sort.
Activity: Students will have to determine whether a number is rational or not and why, this aims to identify and assist students who have difficulties in classifying numbers and moving between different representations.
Assessment: Teacher will measure proficiency by recording the card sort performance. See attached card sort and assignment.

3R (Extend)
Objective: Students will make decisions on property of real numbers.  Students will create an infographic showing their understanding.
Activity: Students will create an infographic of the properties of real numbers.  This infographic will include a flow chart of finding the right property based on the yes/no questions of the flow chart.
Assessment: See attached rubric.

4L (Refine)
Objective: Students will edit and rehearse their infographic for accuracy.
Activity: The students should examine their projects and make sure it is complete. Once they are done they should rehearse their presentation for their infographic.
Assessment: Teacher will meet with students to answer any questions and to check for understanding on the infographic.

4R (Perform)
Objective: Students will present their project.
Activity: Students will present their infographics to their class, as a class we will test the flow chart with 2-3 example numbers to make sure they have the correct properties.

Subject: Math: Algebra 2
Grade Level: 10th and 11th
Concept: Movement
Topic: Graphing Equations
Length of Unit: 10 Days
Essential Question: How does movement of a line affect the equation?

1R (Connect)
Objective: Students will connect to movement by completing the Sharks and Minnows game.
Activity: As a class we will go to the gym and play Sharks and Minnows.  One person will start out as a shark and the rest will be minnows.  Minnows start on one side of the gym and sharks will start in the middle. The teacher will say “Go” and the minnows have to get to the other side of the gym without being touched by a shark.  If a minnow is tagged they become a shark.  The game ends when one minnow remains

1L (Attend)
Objective: Students will make meaning of movement by reflecting in their journal.
Activity: Students will journal and describe the paths they took from one side of the gym to the other and if it was successful or not. Students will also describe why one path worked or didn’t work over a different path.
Assessment: Teacher will check for understanding by analyzing the student’s journals.

2R (Image)
Objective: Students will see a relationship between movement and graphing equations.
Activity: Students will be taken to the hallway and there will be a grid taped off in the hallway.  Students will have to navigate the grid by trial and error. If a student steps into the wrong grid they are buzzed and exits the grid.  After each student gets it incorrect the next student should be able to determine with more accuracy the correct path to get through the maze.
Assessment: Teacher will check will for student engagement through observation of student participation.

2L (Inform)
Objective: Students will acquire knowledge of graphing equations through lecture.
Activity: Lecture to students the difference between slope and y-intercept, how they fit into the standard form equation, and how they are graphed differently.  Students will be able to graph equations (using: point-slope form, standard form, and two points.) There will be a discussion on how the slope is graphed and how the y-intercept is graphed.
Assessment: Teacher will check for understanding through analysis of student’s notes.

3L (Practice)
Objective: Students will show their understanding of graphing equations by competing in a Kahoot!
Activity: Students will have to determine the slope and y-intercept of a line given a graph. They will play a Kahoot! to demonstrate their learning, once finished they will have a 10 question worksheet for determining the equation of a line given a graph.  
Assessment: Teacher will measure proficiency by recording the wrong answers of the Kahoot! game.  

3R (Extend)
Objective: Students will make decisions on graphing equations.  Students will create an video game showing their understanding of slope.
Activity: Students will create a video game using Pixel Press Floors (app).  The video game will have different elevations throughout the game.  Then when finished the student will use Desmos (app) to graph each different equation for the different floors in their video game.  Students will be peer-assessed based on a rubric.
Assessment: See attached rubric.

4L (Refine)
Objective: Students will edit their video game and desmos graph.
Activity: The students should examine their projects and make sure it is complete. Once they are done they should graph the lines on their video game using Desmos to find the different slopes.

4R (Perform)
Objective: Students will have a peer play and assess their project.

Activity: Students will play and test 3 other peers video games.

This type of lesson planning was a great experience that I can take back and use with my other Algebra and Algebra 2 units. Using this type of whole brain helps engage and motivate all students.

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