#10: Live Streaming

Already on #10 of the 16 Things Teachers should try in 2016.  I have liked all the ones I have done so far and have pushed me as an educator.  The rest of them will challenge me, especially blogging, podcasting, wearable, and gamifying a lesson.

Since this week I choose live streaming, it was a difficult endeavor but found a good choice in using Periscope.  Periscope allows you to "go live" anywhere in the world by using your smart phone and users can ask you questions or post comments live on the app.

I used this with our open house we did this last fall.  Since this video is not currently going, I posted on Twitter that students parents can follow my account and did a quick walkthrough of my room and things that will happen in there if I had their son or daughter in class.

Our school has been struggling to get parents into open houses, parent teacher conferences, and sporting events.  By allowing parents to access these events where they are more comfortable and in a setting that they know these events can be more accessible to those parents.

I didn't stay live the whole open-house.  Just made it accessible after for people to watch.

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