Posting Teacher Goals

I was reading this blog post, I can't seem to find it now. It had 21 things teachers should try in 2017, number 19 was "Post Your Goals in Your Classroom."

I thought this would be an excellent way for students to see what I am working on in the classroom and maybe they can hold me more accountable.

There are lots of different things I want to do in 2017, I will post a list of what I want to do at the bottom.

Here are the three goals I posted in my classroom:

1. More Activities, Less Homework

I have been disappointed lately with our school's emphasis on homework and worksheets. I feel that some of our students are being pushed down and out with this emphasis. I want students to experiment with math and I want more formative assessments to understand my students knowledge.

Since we are 1-1 with iPads I see students trying Google the worksheet before attempting any of the problems. They know in other classrooms that they get their worksheets online and don't need to do the work and its easier.

Getting students using Desmos, WODB, and Estimation180 to challenge their thinking and their understanding of mathematics.

2. Students In Charge of their Own Learning

My students heavily rely on the teacher for their information. If they don't know an answer right away their hands go up. I want my students to be challenged, but also know that I am there to guide not to tell them the answer.

I want students to be able to go out and find the answer. If they don't know how to do something I want them to be able to go out and search for it, find a YouTube video.

3. Build Students Up with Growth Mindset

This last one is very similar to the second one. My last goal is for students to have a growth mindset, to start the year I normally have a BreakoutEDU box for students to do. I want students not to think of math as thing that "smart people" do.

Things I have Planned or Want to Do in 2017

  • Different types of seating
  • Caine's Arcade
  • Incorporating more VR
  • Walking Classroom
  • Incorporate more reading.
Here is a seating chart that I currently use and really like, plus my goals are posted!!

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